In respect of approved projects, it shall not be binding upon the Bank to approve the loan proposals considering the fact that the property comes under the approved projects. It shall be the sole right of the Bank to consider the proposal on case to case basis after taking into consideration, the credentials/credit worthiness of each of the customers. Whether the Bank would approve the proposal or not shall also depend upon whether all the necessary clearances from all regulatory authorities and all other necessary documents as may be required by the Bank are in place. Under no circumstance, the Bank shall be held responsible for any disputes arising out of such projects both legally or otherwise. The Bank does not in any way accord priority to such projects over others. Customers are advised to verify the credentials of such projects/builders through their independent advocates and shall not rely only upon the affirmations of the Builder and/or the Bank and thereafter take a decision. The customers shall take note of the fact that only upon the Bank having satisfied itself about the merits of each case, the Bank will approve the loan proposal